Today is yet another wonderful step in the right direction. Flickline is proudly announcing a brand new 'Touring Team'. This team of 8 sponsored players have been selected from a pool of applicants from all over Canada and they are a wonderful collection of people who are devoted to pursuing disc golf at a high level and carrying themselves with dignity and respect. We are honoured to have so many Canadians believe in what we are doing and we look forward to supporting these players in a meaningful way.
Our touring team is evolving. For the past several seasons Flickline has sponsored players from Atlantic Canada and encouraged them to compete in both the Flickline tour and any PDGA event possible. This season we decided to open up our search area and accept players from all over Canada who wish to compete at a high level anywhere in the world. Together with a joint commitment from Top Link Disc Golf we feel we are in a wonderful position to make a meaningful impact into the lives of 8 fantastic disc golfers. We would love to introduce them to you know!

Darrell Chipp was born and raised in La Scie on the Baie Verte Peninsula of Newfoundland and spent his formative years there before moving to Stephenville in the late 1980's. Darrell is a natural born athlete and a fierce competitor who's drive to win is out paced only by his desire to improve. Over the course of his remarkable life Darrell has excelled at so many sports it's hard to keep tabs of them all. He has been a scratch golfer, a national caliber pickleball, racquetball, and table tennis player, and can now boast the title of National Champion Disc Golfer.
It would be one thing if it was just sport that Darrell excelled at, but the truth is he has also been an upstanding community member, father, and husband. Each of these tenants are at the core of what makes Darrell truly exceptional. It is the foundation of his character to be kind and generous with his time, whether that involves teaching new players the game of disc golf (or any other pursuit above) or finding ways to share his gifts with the people who may need them the most.
Very few people in any region have done more to contribute to a healthy sporting environment than Darrell. Through his constant efforts to include both abled and disabed bodied people in the game of disc golf he has created an inclusive space for all people to enjoy. His persistent quest to build a world class disc golf course in Stephenville is a reflection of both his love for the game and his overwhelming belief that Stephenville is a town worthy of great things. Every community needs someone like him in their corner. It is people like Darrell that make every great community what it is.

Dylan Goudey is a 15 year old competitive disc golfer from Yarmouth, Nova Scotia and the current MA1 National Champion. His story is one that will be told around many disc golf camp fires for years to come. The fact that he is the youngest MA1 champion in Canadian history is made even more remarkable when taken into consideration that there is no disc golf course within 90 minutes of him. He keen sense of focus and his commitment to becoming a student of the game makes him mature well beyond his years. Touring the US and finding his way onto the pro tour are high priorities of his and there is no way to know if that ceiling is attainable, but with his strong work ethic and dedication to the sport there no reason to believe that he won't attain the lofty goals he has set for himself.

Kat Johnson shares the same passion for disc golf that you see throughout our touring team. She is yet another great ambassador for female disc golf and values ethics and community building. Kat may be our most traveled player on the team, competing in many DGPT events in the FPO division. Her power drives are just one of her impressive features, the fact that she is so active both locally and nationally makes her the exact kind of positive force Flickline wants to get behind. Women are the future, and the future looks bright with Kat.

Karen Martel has been a pillar of disc golf in Quebec for many years. Her strong competitive play had her finish in the top 10 of MA1 in 2022 in her home province. Karen is a force both on the course and behind the scenes but it is her competitive play and drive to improve that has landed her a spot on team Flickline. Her drive to compete and constantly improve her game has given her fuel for her fire and we are hoping that the support and encouragement from team Flickline helps elevate her even further in 2023.

Nathan McCarthy is a quiet force of nature. A multi-sport athlete with one of the smoothest putts you will ever see and wonderful sense of how to compete under pressure make Nathan a natural choice for Team Flickline. The fact that he continues to coach kids and teach physical education in the valley region of Nova Scotia are all wonderful bonuses when it comes to growing the game. Nathan is well respected in our community as one of the nicest human beings you could ever hope to meet. Team Flickline is so much better off with Nathan on the team. We hope that our network of players and community builders can help push him closer to the goal of being 1000 rated and we look forward to seeing his putt in action in 2023.

Kyle Reid is one of the earliest adaptors of disc golf in Atlantic Canada. Another player who was driven by pure passion in the early days when his closest course was almost 2 hours away Kyle has stuck with the game to become New Brunswicks highest rated player. Disc golf has allowed him to travel all over the world to compete and his skillset can place him at the top of the pack in almost any event he enters.

Antoni Richard is one of the brightest spots on team Flickline. This 16 year old multi-sport athlete has shown flashes of brilliance in the game of disc golf. In 2022, in front of many of team Flickline's players Antoni shot the hot round in the finals of the Jr World Championship and for all of the people lucky enough to be there it was an all time great sport performance. The sky is the limit for Antoni. He has been a positive influence in his local club, the Dieppe Demons, and has introduced scores of people to the game. How far he flys with disc golf is anyones guess, but we can't wait to watch the ride!

Tanis Trainor is one of the unsung hero's of team Flickline. Her behind the scenes contributions to both the social media side of our company and to the women's side of the game in Atlantic Canada is unmeasurable. Our region is thriving because of her, especially the female side. Tanis is a fierce competitor and was voted the Female player of the year in 2022 on the Flickline tour. He passion for the game is almost as infectious as her laugh and she makes things better everywhere she goes. It is an honour to have Tanis 'officially' on the team in 2023.
We are so excited to see where the heights we can travel together with this talented group of people. Bring on 2023~!